Sonic.exe: Outside the Game

It was another Saturday afternoon. My mother brought me to my uncle’s home. We were going to stay there for the night. I love my family, I love being a human…and I love being young. I am even proud of how I look. I sat down at the outdoor table in the backyard. My uncle adores taking care of his backyard. He sat next to me and started talking to my mother about random adult life stuff. While they were chatting away, I turned my head to the left and my bright green eyes scanned the wonderful layout of the garden.
You will never believe what I just saw when I laid my eyes on one of the bushes close to the patio…there were two red glowing eyes, just staring at me, peeking through the little leaves. Above them were pointy blue ears. Below them were two white gloved hands covered in patches of blood. I couldn’t help staring back at the eyes. I felt a fierce shiver in my chest and stomach. The eyes didn’t move…they were just staring at me. Why would two red eyes stare at me at this time of day? What was scarier is that there was also a large grin with sharp, yellow, filthy teeth. I once heard the smiling faces sometimes don’t tell the truth…and I had the feeling that the glowing red eyes and terrifying grin is one of them. I turned my head to my uncle, still feeling the shiver. “Uncle Vincent…” I said quietly, nudging my uncle’s arm. He was caught by my attention. “What is it, Lisa?” he asked. I pointed at the bush where the eyes were staring. “Something’s watching me! Hiding in the bush!” We both turned to the bush, but the eyes were gone, along with the hands and teeth. He patted me on the head gently and said, “Maybe it’s just your imagination, sweetie. Want me to check?” “Yes please, Uncle Vincent.” I squeaked. “I’ll check with you.” I held his hand as he took me to the bush. I was still shaking. We got the bush. My uncle gently pulled some of the leaves apart; forming a hole in the bush. He then turned to me and said, “Nobody’s in the bush...” I peeked through the hole as well…there WAS nothing there. What the hell? He pulled his fingers away from the bush and put his arm around me. I was frowning like a spoiled little girl who doesn’t get what she wants. “Relax, Lisa.” said my uncle Vincent. “It must be that monster movie we watched last Wednesday. Remember?” “Are you sure?” I asked. “I’m sure. We don’t want your mom worrying.” We both went back to the table and my mom and uncle continued sitting and chatting. I am NOT lying! I bloody hate it when people don’t believe me! Excuse my language, folks. I swear that thing was hiding in the bush staring at me. I have a bad feeling about this…
At night, I was wearing my pink satin nightgown, standing in front of the bathroom sink and brushing my teeth. I was used to being in my uncle’s bathroom because I’ve stayed for the night at his house quite a few times. I kept checking my teeth in the mirror like I always do when I’m brushing my teeth. Just when I was about to reach for the mouthwash…there was a glowing red light in the mirror. I stopped and looked at the glow in astonishment. The glow got brighter, making it very hard to see my reflection clearly. A grin started to form as the lights in the bathroom seemed to grow increasingly dim without someone messing with the switch. Suddenly…as a familiar face formed in the glow, an alluring, echoing voice said to me,
“Hello…do you want to play with me?”
I gasped. I could not believe my eyes! It’s the same creep who’s been spying on me through the bush, with the sharp yellow teeth and red glowing eyes. His was holding up his hands in a position as if a cat was scratching a scratching post. The glowing image got closer…the creature was a blue…sort of hedgehog…oh my god! Sonic the Hedgehog? No…it can’t be! What is he doing here? I have been a fan of him since 2004. Why didn’t I recognise him when he was spying on me earlier? Why doesn’t he have green eyes anymore? “Sonic!” I cried. “Come on, missy…don’t be shy!” Sonic crooned. “Where are your green eyes?” I asked in disbelief. “What the hell happened to you?!” Sonic did not answer my question. He sniggered. “I love the smell of frightened human girl in the evening...” he said. He knew exactly how I felt. How? He then whispered, “Won’t be long now before you join all of my other friends, toots.” “No! Leave me alone!” I shouted at him, backing away from the mirror, almost falling backwards into my uncle’s bathtub... “What do you want from me, Mr. Sonic?” I was frightened. “Just call me Sonic...” he said to me, more blood leaking from his black eyes with red glowing pupils. He raised his voice to a terrifyingly loud volume…“Sonic.Exe!!” I closed my eyes and covered them with my hands for five seconds. When I opened them again, the mirror was not showing the horrifying images of Sonic with bleeding eye sockets. Instead, it showed Tails and Knuckles, the two other characters from the classic Sonic games from the 90’s. Tails was no longer an orange fox. He was instead black and had the same eyes of Sonic.Exe. His eyeballs were gone and blood was pouring out of his sockets. “Help us…” he wailed in a distorted 8-year-old boy voice. Knuckles was a grey echidna, suffering with the same eye surgery gone wrong. It was horrible! “Run before he gets you too! He destroyed us!” he yelled with his voice as distorted as Tails. I had tears running down my face. What has Sonic done to his friends?! The mirror then showed a static screen you would normally see on the TV when a channel may not be working. “Tails! Knuckles!” I cried. It last for 5 more seconds. Then the horrible version of Sonic appeared again, which caused me to jump.
“So many souls to play with…” said Sonic. “So little time…would you agree, dollface?” He suddenly lunged at me from the mirror and grabbed me by the arms. I screamed. He grinned wildly at me, clenching tightly. My heart was beating in an unstable rhythm. “You creepy bastard!” I yelled. “Let me go!!” I once again closed my eyes tightly. And then… When my eyes opened, I no longer felt the blue demon squeezing my biceps and triceps. What was weirder was that the bathroom was lit again. The door opened. It was Uncle Vincent. “What’s all the screaming about?” he shouted. “Sonic the Hedgehog!” I cried out. “He was in the mirror. He was all evil and his green eyes were missing! And he grabbed me!” But my uncle didn’t believe me. He did the facepalm and said, “Sonic isn’t real, Lisa. I know you are a fan of him, but he’s only a cartoon. Maybe you should go to bed now. Again, we don’t want your mom worrying.” “Okay, Uncle Vincent.” I groaned. “Goodnight…” I gave him a hug to make sure he’s not mad at me. He kissed me on the forehead gently. “Sleep well, Miss Lisa. And don’t worry about a thing.” I then walked into the spare room where my uncle told me I would sleep for the night.
I laid down on the bed, covered myself with the duvet and fell asleep, still paranoid. I was enjoying my slumber…until…I heard a loud, manly scream woke me up. Oh god! I was once again scared as I sat up. Then…as a strange fog appeared in front of my bed, a loud voice shouted, “FOUND YOU!”
Holy shit! What the hell was that?! I recognise that voice…it was the same alluring and echoing voice from…Sonic.Exe! I cannot believe it when he appeared in front of my bed, grinning at me once again. “Sonic!” I hissed. “Leave me the hell alone! Why are you stalking me?” “You’re a lot of fun to play with, babe…” Sonic said. “…just like your Uncle Vincent…” I scrambled out of the duvet so violently that I ended up standing on my pillow with my back pressed against the wall. “My Uncle Vincent?!” I cried out. Sonic let out a distorted psycho laugh as he slowly approached me. “He didn’t last long…” He clicked his fingers and a terrifying dead body disappeared next to the closet. The skin was mouldy. Its face looked as if someone falling off a cliff. Blood wouldn’t stop leaking from the wounds. I recognised the body…and it was…Uncle Vincent! I let out a tearful gasp as I noticed that his eyes were no longer in his eye sockets. I covered my nose and mouth with my shaking hands. My eyes were filling up with tears. Then, I almost flipped out. “You killed my uncle!” I shouted. I slapped Sonic.Exe’s face as hard as I could. He took very little pain. “You sick beast!” I screamed tearfully. I tried to run away and call for my mother’s help, but Sonic grabbed me by the wrists and held me up against the door. “State your name!” he growled. His fists felt so strong against by arms I had no choice but to tell him my name. “Li-Li…Lisa…” I squeaked. “Ready to play with me, Lisa?” he asked as he let go. “NO!!” I yelled loudly as I quickly opened the door and ran. But when I ran down the stairs, the house suddenly faded into a forest. Not just any forest…the 8-bit forest that you would see in the first level of the very first Sonic the Hedgehog game in 1991. But since we’re not in the 90’s anymore…the forest was full of realistic fire. It was destroying the nostalgia! Oh my god! I had a feeling that it was the blue demon’s fault! He once again let out a horrible laugh. I was so scared that I ran as fast as I could. The background seemed to be repeating itself. I looked back while running, and Sonic was following me…hovering and reaching out his left arm ready to grab me. I also heard the drowning music from the classic Sonic games playing as he was once again grinning at me.
“Leave me alone, you douchebag!!” I screamed at him, still running for dear life. I then looked away. He was getting closer to me. When the drowning music finished playing, I suddenly tripped over a bloody chao corpse. I went tumbling over some more of them until the blue demon stopped me from rolling any further with his foot, which ended up on my hip. As I recovered from slight dizziness and a few strikes of pain, I once again noticed the red glowing lights from his black eye sockets. He looked down at me with an arrogant look on his face. “You’re too slow!” he teased. “Wanna try again?” “Hell no!” I angrily replied. He suddenly grabbed me by the arms and pulled me up against him. The forest on fire suddenly faded into a plain black scenery with a black and white checked floor. “You can’t run anymore, bitch!” Sonic roared. “You’re in MY world now! Just like the others!!” I moaned and wiggled in fear. I just want all of this shit to just go away! I luckily managed to fall out of his tight clutches. “Look behind you, Lisa…” he whispered. I looked behind my back. Oh my god! “Dr. Eggman?!” I said in disbelief. “It’s Doctor…Robotnik, missy.” Robotnik wimpered in a distorted voice. He looked like an illusion, with a droopy moustache and blood stains on his suit. “Run now! Before you…are under his…CONTROL!!!” The word control from Robotnik was loud and echoing…I just had to cover my ears. The doctor then disappeared from the distance. “You’re next, Miss Lisa!” shouted Sonic.Exe. He grabbed me by the upper arms once again, showing his grin with sharp yellow teeth and then pushed me to the ground, causing me to scream. Ouch! I felt a fierce pain in my back. I seemed to have landed on the seven chaos emeralds. Instead of being in seven different bright colours, they were all black and lifeless. I started breathing rapidly as some strange static scattered across my vision. I couldn’t get up…I couldn’t move. Something began flickering in front of my was a certain name of a company…and three numbers…“sega 666”. What the hell was happening to me?! Am I dying? I let out another loud, emotionally unstable scream, “Sonic!! What the FUCK is wrong with you?!” As I called out Sonic’s name, “sega 666” was still flashing on and off in my sight. I couldn’t see anything else, other than Sonic just walking up to me. I was screaming and moaning in pain…a lot of pain. More blood poured from the blue demon’s eye sockets as he got closer to my face. Another way to describe him was that...he’s worse than Mephiles the Dark from Sonic ’06...WAY worse. As my vision got worse, the red glow in his eye sockets and grin stood out from the flashing static. He whispered to me in an alluring, but sarcastic tone… “Just smile.” My vision finally went black. “sega 666” stopped flashing…I didn’t hear anything…I didn’t feel anything…
My eyes opened…I’m still alive? Thank god! What the hell happened? I’m at my uncle’s bedroom, lying on the floor after minutes of unconsciousness...or short death…I’m not sure. I know what you’re thinking. You probably think I’m not dead yet because I’m a bit of a Mary Sue. Who the hell cares? I was lying on the floor. I wiggled my toes. I can move again? I turned my head to the left, where I could see myself in the tall mirror where my uncle Vincent used to check out his outfits. But today…the mirror was used…to check out a different appearance. I slowly got up and shuffled backwards to get a clear view of my reflection. I was disgusted with the look of my hair. It was soaked in patches of blood. I was relieved when I saw my eyeballs in my sockets like they always should be, but the colour of my eyes were no longer green. They were blood red instead. Underneath them were scratches that looked like a cat had scratched my face. I also looked at the window. It was morning. Morning already? I turned to the digital clock on the little table by the bed. It’s eight o’ clock in the morning? I then steadily stood up, making sure I don’t pass out. I started stroking my long brown locks with my left hand. Some of the blood was still wet and ended up on his fingers. Then…I’ve noticed something on my forearm. Three words craved into it.
I was so shocked. I was once again crying. A tear fell from one of my new red eyes and landed on my nightgown, which now has a pattern of splats of blood. That bastard! Sonic.Exe! What has he done to me?! Suddenly, I heard the voice again… “Ready for Round 2, Lisa?” It was Sonic.Exe! I gasped and started whimpering. I clenched the top of my head and began breathing rapidly. “Oh god! No! No more of this nightmare! Please! I BEG YOU!!” I shouted at the top of my lungs. I slowed my breathing down and began to calm myself, sitting down on my uncle’s bed. I felt like I’ve lost my sanity. “Try and keep this interesting for me, Lisa…” the voice of the blue demon commanded. I slowly turned my head and swivelled my body to the set of drawers. Holy shit! My mother! I could not believe she ended up like my uncle Vincent. Her eyes were missing from her sockets. There were three small puddles of blood on the floor. I once began covered my nose and mouth with my shaking hands. My mother had died! Then…I screamed and saw the Sonic action figure I brought to my uncle’s house with me yesterday. Oh, fuck! He was staring at me…with bloodstains under his black eyes. The voice let out one last shout,